Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Bird Nesting Craft

Last Spring we had a pair of birds that built their nest and raised their three youngsters in a floral arrangement that I had hanging on my front door. This year the floral arrangement isn't hanging on the door but what appears to be the same proud birdie parents have built their nest just outside our living room window (at perfect eye level) in a climbing rose vine.

It is very kind of Mother Nature to share this amazing lesson of devoted parenting and the nature of bird families to my grandchildren and I again this year. Last time we kept a spy cam on the nest so that we could enjoy a live feed on my computer screen anytime the grands wanted to watch the parents feeding and caring for their young. It was also fun to watch how quickly the babies grow! We even caught a glimpse of the babies flying from the nest.

This brings me to the Bird Nesting Craft that I created a few months ago. I now have proof that this bird nesting craft is appreciated and used by the birds! As I peeked into the nest above I saw multiple pieces of yarn, string, fabric strips, and shreds of batting tucked into the nesting materials.  So where did those supplies come from you ask?

It was me! I have watched the bird nesting supplies slowly disappear from this bird nesting craft so it was way fun to learn that they had actually gone to the birds! This would be a super fun and easy project to do with the kids. 

To make your own Bird Nesting Craft you could use:

String, yarn, twine, ribbon, thin strips of fabric, netting, and scraps of batting.

Cut the pieces into varied lengths and sizes.

I used some old wire cooling racks for the frame.
I used pipe cleaners to secure the racks together at the bottom.

You could use whatever you have on hand that would offer an
open frame work.

I loosely mixed up the variety of the scraps.

Then I loosely stuffed them into the frame. I used pipe cleaners
to wire the tops of the frame together.

Hang the finished "gift to nature" in a tree using twine or wire.
Maybe one day you will get a chance to find a nest
where your supplies have been used too. 

If not, you can be sure that your contribution to nature has gone
to two hard working parents and their hungry brood of babies!

1 comment:

  1. This is so sweet and such a great way to teach kids to be observant and respectful of nature. I put dryer lint out every spring for the birds, but never thought of doing this. Not only would it be exciting for the kids to find one of their colorful contributions woven into a nest - it would be exciting for ME too! I think we'll do this next week when all the kids are here all day on Friday! Thanks!
