Monday, August 22, 2011

Grandkid's Back-to-School Party 2011

This party has become a loved tradition that the grandkids will not allow Papa and I to forget. It is a celebration of the new school year of learning that is ahead of all of the school age cousins. The date and time is cleared with the parents ahead of time but the invitations are delivered pretty last minute to the kids.

The eight school age cousins looking out the windows.
The delivery of the invitations is an event on it's own. I hand deliver them so I can see their excitement and anticipation of this very loved tradition.

This year the invitation included Papa and I taking our eight back-to-schoolers out to eat, to a movie, and back to our house for party favors.

The kids are always greeted at the front door with a back-to-school welcome.

Once inside my pre-planning was put to the test X's eight!

Laminated and color coded buddy wristbands were distributed.

Menu and drink choices were made ahead of time.

Car and car seating assignments were also pre-assigned.

I had called ahead the night before and I-Hop was expecting
our PARTY of ten!

They were ready for us and we were seated immediately.

Ordering was a breeze and the young waitress was 
truly impressed!

She told the kids; 
"I wished I could have done this when I was little."

Papa and I did get a few looks from the other customers when we arrived.

Looking back, I can see why.

We were headed to the new Spy Kids movie after breakfast.
The current I-Hop kids promotion was perfect for our
special occasion. The kids menus were filled with Spy Kids
activities to keep them busy while waiting 
on breakfast to be served.

They were all good eaters and they
loved the service from our waitress.

Following breakfast we headed to the 11:10 showing
of Spy Kids.

We allowed plenty of time so we could get our concessions...
(yep, it was a party and we needed concessions on top of our 
syrup laden breakfast) and to get our ten seats together.

I had made school themed goodie bags
to add to their popcorn and drinks.

The kids loved the action packed movie but as a 
grandma I clinched my teeth a few times at some of
the language that was used. Not bad words but 
certainly not some words I would want
my grandchildren repeating following a movie that

Exiting the movie theater was the toughest part of the event for 
Papa and I.
We had to pass through the dreaded video game arcade to 
exit the movie with the sixteen little hands, eyes, and feet in our group.
An area I had clearly forgotten to address during
our " rules and expectations discussion" before we
had headed out.
(Note to self for next time!)

We headed back to our house for the party favors.

Each child received a back to school party name plate.

A Back Back Buddy that I had created for each of them and 
a couple more fun back to school goodies!

Check out previous back to school party ideas here and here.

They were clearly not ready to go home yet because they
were having a great time with their cousins. 
Papa and I held them to the
ending time of the party and we returned our sugar filled
sweethearts back to their families.

When the kids don't want it to end
that means...
Our loved tradition was a complete success!

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